
LUXX Premium English- CEO's Greeting
LUXX Premium English- CEO's Greeting

LUXX Premium English CEO's Greeting   As an educator, I feel a sense of responsibility knowing that while Korea is among the top OECD countries in terms of education, the happiness index of our children is very low. LUXX English aims to be a joyful educational institution for children.   Our hopes and vision for the children at LUXX are threefold:   1. To help children discover that learning English can be enjoyable by balancing ample learning with fun activities. 2. To assist children in achieving their individual dreams through consistent study. 3. To instill in children the awareness that their future can be bright through these activities.   We promise that good parents will come together, children raised under excellent parents with good character will gather, and they will learn in an environment where LUXX's top-notch programs and teachers pursue (Truth: practicing sincere education with a true heart and Loyalty: maintaining abundant love and dedication consistently).   Based on LUXX's curriculum, our children will study happily, achieve their best outcomes, and their precious potential will shine infinitely.   To this end, I will educate, continue to learn, and do my utmost for the parents and children.   Thank you.   Keilen Yun, CEO of LUXX Premium English

Published Jul 1, 2024
YBM ECC CEO's Greeting
YBM ECC CEO's Greeting

  "YBM NET, a company with dreams and a future, is embarking on a new challenge."   YBM Net has grown alongside the development of the domestic online education market. Since its inception in June 2000, YBM Net has led the domestic online education market, rising to the top of the industry within a year of its business start and maintaining that position to this day.   Not content with past achievements, YBM Net is continuing its growth by venturing into the offline education market through new initiatives and bold investments.   In addition to further advancing its online education services, YBM Net is investing heavily in smart learning projects, moving beyond blended learning services that encompass both online and offline education.       Jong Ik Kim, CEO of YBM NET Corp.   

Published Jun 21, 2024
Altiora CEO's Message
by Altiora
Altiora CEO's Message

  Greetings   In 2002, envisioning children reading Western classics, grasping authors' thoughts, and engaging in discussions, I opened an English education institution. To realize this vision, I understood the necessity of acquiring English as naturally as one’s mother tongue, dedicating myself to English acquisition education for the past 18 years.   Education is endlessly fascinating because everything is interconnected. To master English acquisition, language comprehension must develop, closely linked to non-cognitive and cognitive abilities. Particularly in early stages, holistic education proves far more effective than specializing in one area. As one learns more about education, the weight of societal duty and responsibility deepens. Educators must embrace this responsibility to truly educate.   Altiora is not just a kindergarten or a play school. Believing education should evolve more deeply than the changing world, Altiora was born to create a new form of educational institution that nurtures the foundation of 21st-century core competencies. With Altiora Education, I earnestly hope our beloved children become leaders in realizing beautiful values and leading the 21st-century world.   Thank you.     Chang Wook Choi, CEO of Altiora     

Published Jun 14, 2024
Creverse CEO's message
by Creverse
Creverse CEO's message

      Creverse nurtures 21st-century talents by realizing the mission of ‘Talent Discovery, Life Discovery’.   For the past decade, Chungdahm Learning and CMS Edu have created their own stories in their respective fields, standing shoulder to shoulder. Now, these stories have come together to launch Creverse Inc.   The integration of the two companies aims to nurture 21st-century talents by realizing the mission of ‘Talent Discovery, Life Discovery’. The core methodological concepts presented are Literacy, Imagination, and Narrative Skills. Creverse Inc. will develop these three methodologies across the three areas of English, Mathematics, and Coding, further integrating these three areas.   The business strategy reveals four strategic levels. Seven brands are included in the traditional LC business, and three brands are in the VLC business level. VLC products reflect the LC curriculum but introduce virtuality, providing new experiences and benefits in terms of time, space, and cost.   The third level, consisting of modular convergence brand business, will deepen virtuality based on media/digital platforms while also challenging new concept hybrid learning. VLC products and modular convergence brands are also targeting overseas markets.   The Metaverse business proposes interactive/transmedia storytelling as a core concept. Within the interactive storytelling that utilizes knowledge, users enhance their capabilities and discover their characters. Furthermore, as users solve problems and produce and trade content, they will enter an era of personal narratives that transcend reality and virtuality.   Young Hwa Kim, CEO of Creverse        

Published Jun 5, 2024
Joanne Jung, Francis Parker Collegiate
by Francis Parker
Francis Parker (1/1)
Joanne Jung, Francis Parker Collegiate

My name is Joanne Jung and I am chief director of Francis Parker Collegiate.  Having worked as the chief director here for over four years, I am committed to continuously striving to build the finest educational system for children. At our Francis Parker Collegiate, the most cherished virtues are Love and Care. Based on the foundation of love and care towards children, I promise to dedicate myself to realizing Francis Parker Collegiate's ultimate goals as outlined below:   "To create a diverse community of independent thinkers whose academic excellance, global perspective, and strength of character prepare them to make a meaningful difference in the world"

Published May 13, 2024
Meet Barry O'Callaghan
by RISE Education Korea
RISE Education Korea (2/2)
Meet Barry O'Callaghan

  Introduction Hello, my name is Barry O’Callaghan, the CEO of RISE Education Global. I’ve been working at the education industry for the past 25 years, and first established RISE China in 2011. RISE Education, which started in China, achieved great success. However, due to regulations concerning foreign ownership of educational assets in China, I sold RISE China for 14 times its annual profit which laid a strong foundation for RISE’s global expansion.   RISE Korea Over the past few years, I have been working to establish RISE institutions worldwide, and Korea is a particularly important country for us. This is because Korea understands and practices the value of education better than any other country. We know how much Korean parents value education and how they implement it.   However, it seems like Korea is still focusing on teaching English in traditional ways like memorizing words and grammar using textbooks.  Rise's strength lies in bringing the best elements from the international education market into Korea and combining them with local educational culture, which differentiates the company from other domestic English private institutes.   We are trying to present the idea and persuade Korean parents that we will provide them with what they want, such as qualified English Education, but not exactly the way they want it because things are changing rapidly.   Vision My vision for Rise is to offer programs that encourage children to think creatively, ask diverse questions, and engage in discussions. This approach moves away from the traditional textbook-based education and exam-oriented methods prevalent in the competitive Korean education market.   Accordingly, we have several goals; Firstly, we provide appropriate and effective English learning tailored to students' ages. Secondly, we select the best programs, learning tools, and materials from around the world to help children focus on English learning in the rapidly changing 21st-century learning environment. Thirdly, we strive to enhance children's communication skills and social competence. Fourthly, we do our best to boost children's self-esteem and make them feel happy within RISE academies. The above goals can also be considered as the beliefs of RISE Korea. They will be applied uniformly across all branches, and we promise never to violate or change them. By achieving all these goals, we aim to enhance children's English proficiency, cultivate their social skills, and prepare them energetically for the 21st century.    Also, we fundamentally pursue an immersive educational environment. It involves students actively participating in and leading team activities under the guidance of teachers, resulting in successful outcomes and achieving the ultimate objectives. Such methods are also the fastest and most effective foreign language learning programs currently adopted by schools in the United States.   Conclusion Moreover, we have incorporated many elements of 'Blended learning,' which combines online and offline learning, in line with the education trends of the 21st century. By exposing students to various English stimuli both online and offline, and conducting English education in various fields such as mathematics, science, social studies, and language, we enable students to speak English fluently, gain confidence, and even enhance leadership skills.   The most realistic way to prepare for our children's future is to quickly adapt to radical changes, and the diverse programs offered by RISE are expected to be of substantial assistance. We believe that such RISE programs have produced outstanding students in approximately 10 countries in Asia, totaling around 100,000 individuals.  

Published Apr 19, 2024
Meet David Moon, the Head of R&D and Recruiting
by RISE Education Korea
RISE Education Korea (1/2)
Meet David Moon, the Head of R&D and Recruiting

HR Manager Self QnA: David Moon, the Head of R&D and Recruiting My name is David Moon. I am a Korean Canadian who came to Korea in 2003. I have been employed by various academies, but I truly enjoy working at RISE Korea Education. I always wanted to change the English Education that children received. I wanted to help students learn naturally. I wanted our students to have fun while learning. All this was possible because RISE Korea Education truly cares about each individual student. We understand that students’ happiness can only arise from our teachers’ happiness and we endeavor to make that possible through our policies, faculty, and methodologies. Education & Curriculum Q: What is the mission of RISE Korea Education Korea? A: Our mission is to provide an immersive learning environment using the best education technology. In order to accomplish this, we use the Natural Approach methodologies in our classrooms.  Q: What makes RISE Korea Education stand out from other English kindergartens in Korea? A: Our motto is “happiness and safety”. It is true that happiness occurs when a student is having fun. However, we believe that true happiness can only occur when the learning process is a fun process. We are not focused on drilling and giving a lot of homework. We are more focused on having meaningful conversations with our students, understanding our students, and teaching the way our students learn. Q: How does the curriculum help teachers succeed? A: RISE Korea Education provides all the material necessary for classes. From assessments, worksheets, handouts, flashcards, pacing guides to touch-screen TV and E-books. All Rise books have been digitized to allow more engagement in classes. We don’t provide a lesson plan but rather a pacing guides. This allows teachers to be creative in their teaching within the framework of the overall curriculum. Just as all students learn differently, all teachers teach differently. Teachers will learn of RISE Korea Education methodologies and learn to apply them to their teaching style. Q: What are the class size and student-to-teacher ratio? A: The maximum class size is 12 students. Our kindergarten classes usually have 10~12 students. However, our afternoon classes with elementary students have an average of 8 students. The student-to-teacher ratio varies but it is usually about 25~30 students per teacher. For Teachers Q: What can RISE Korea Education offer to teachers that make it stand out? A: When we ask teachers what they like about Rise, they mention students, fellow teachers, and the program.  As our methodologies revolves around questions and as a result, RISE Korea Education students learn to speak quickly and proficiently. Our class are dynamic where thoughts are shared and discussed with peers. Being able to communicate with students, our teachers form a special bond with students based on respect and trust. Our schools are not small. Our smallest school services 8 Foreign teachers and our biggest school services 25 Foreign teachers. Each school has its own culture and teachers never feel alone. All our teachers are friendly and caring of the school, students, and teachers. As RISE Korea Education program is not meant to be about drilling, teachers are not burdened with test results. Also, since all the material are provided to our teachers, they feel prepared for classes without spending a lot of time with preparations. Finally, RISE Korea Education adheres to the Korean labor laws. All RISE Korea Education schools close during Korean national holidays. We also ensure that all our teachers receive the paid holidays every year. With this, our teachers enjoy a balanced life with work being restricted to the school and enjoyment outside.  Q: What kind of teachers do you look for and the qualities they should possess to work at RISE Korea Education? A: We look for teachers whose educational philosophies align with RISE Korea Education. Also, as we are educating kindergarten and lower elementary students, we look for teachers who show passion for teaching and compassion for our students. Our students are humans, something we forget at times due to their age. All our students go through struggles and we need to emphasize with them and try to understand what they are going through. Furthermore, we want our teachers to be consistent and fair when dealing with students. Teachers are humans as well. We all have our favorites but when we make a class policy, it needs to be reinforced consistently and the fairly to all students. Lastly, we look for teachers who are willing to learn and improve their teaching.  Hiring & Training Q: What is your hiring process like and what are some tips that you would give to applicants to help them nail their interview? A: Our interviews are meant to understand each other. RISE Korea Education is looking to see if a teacher would be a good fit for RISE Korea Education. On the other hand, the candidate should be looking to see if RISE Korea Education would be a good fit for them. In order to accomplish this, the candidate should be honest about their answers. When they try to predict the response, we are looking for, that usually leads to inconsistent responses. We want to know who you are. Q: What kind of career development opportunities do you offer at RISE Korea Education?  A: A lot of our teachers stay a lot longer than a year. Some of our teachers have been with us for 5 years. Our experienced teachers will be provided with an opportunity to be a Head teacher, helping the campus with training and teacher supports. Also, RISE Korea Education HQ is constantly on the lookout great teachers to help out with content development. RISE Korea Education R&D currently employ former RISE Korea Education teachers who have acquired the “F” visas.  Q: Do I need to have teaching experience or a teaching license to work at RISE Korea Education? A: Teaching experience and teaching license is not required to work at RISE Korea Education as we provide sufficient training to help new teachers get started. However, they will increase the salary that is offered to you. Q: What are some things that you provide your teachers with to help them develop? (Training, seminars, etc) A: RISE Korea Education initial training consists of three parts, Zoom training, video training, and job shadowing.  All training is compensated on an hourly basis and ends before the contract start date. Although the initial training is great to helps teachers get started, it does not immediately produce great teachers. RISE Korea Education schools provide a lot of supports from the vice principal, academic coordinators, and head teachers who are always looking for ways to assist our teachers. With feedback, workshops, and mock teaching sessions, our teachers transition from being a good teacher to being a great teacher. Q: Lastly, what is one thing that you find most difficult about your position? A: There are so many great candidates with various backgrounds. Each brings with them their own beliefs and skills. Trying to determine who would be a good fit for RISE Korea Education is truly difficult. Also, RISE Korea Education has so much to offer to our teachers. The 1-hour that the candidate and I share in an interview is too limited to reveal all that the RISE Korea Education has to offer. Unfortunately, we have made mistakes and will continue to make mistakes. However, we endeavor to continue to augment our interview process so that both the teacher and RISE Korea Education learn about each other.

Published Apr 18, 2024
Embark Recruiting's Assurances and Guidelines for Teachers
by Embark Recruiting
Embark Recruiting's Assurances and Guidelines for Teachers

Embark Recruiting’s Assurances and Guidelines for Teachers   This page specifies the rights and responsibilities that Embark Recruiting and native English Teachers should have. (i)First, declaring that both sides are responsible for complying with national laws or regulations.    Embark Recruiting promotes school and recruitment information provided by employers through global recruitment sites and social media sites. Then (ii) recommends the most suitable position by collecting qualification requirements and the working conditions from the candidates.   Embark Recruiting strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information but is not responsible for screening or reviewing the legitimacy of the employer's school and employment information and resume, the integrity, accuracy of the list, and the ability of the employer to provide a job opportunity for the candidate. However, if the information provided is incorrect, please contact immediately and we will correct it.   Our Responsibility for Teachers Embark Recruiting is a Native Teacher Recruitment Agency operated in Seoul, South Korea (2F, 92 Seocho-daero 42-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (06649) with legal operating permission from the government.    We recommend Teachers only to schools that operate legally in Korea and not to unauthorized groups or personal tutors. We provide resumes to employers according to established regulations, but we never disclose contact information in advance without personal consent. We recommend the best employer based on the resume information and interviews provided. We never use your resume for anything other than recruitment. We do not make any financial demands on the Teacher to prepare a resume or recommend employment. We can provide advice or support for employers' breach of contract or illegal treatment at the request of the Teacher.   The Responsibility of a Teacher A native teacher refers to a person who is legally qualified to work according to the laws of the Republic of Korea and acts in accordance with the following provisions.   The Teacher must have a notarized and apostilled bachelor's degree and an apostilled criminal background check issued no later than six months before applying for the visa. After entering Korea, the Teacher must pass a physical examination (including a drug test) at a hospital designated by the Korean government. The Teacher is responsible for the correct and up-to-date information in writing the online application and the Teacher is responsible for the registered information. The Teacher must notify Embark Recruiting of the results of that interview. When an employment contract is given directly to the Teacher by the school Embark Recruiting must be notified and provided the contract. Teachers do not apply directly to schools with the information provided by Embark Recruiting.   Embark Recruiting Services for Teachers Another goal of our company is to ensure that we retain a continuous and beneficial relationship with the Teachers to make sure they are leading a happy and stable life.   Airport pick-up when entering Korea (a well-trained and kind driver is on standby and guided to the destination) Consulting on Work and Life in Korea (Cultural Differences, Life Convenience) Guidance and support for foreign communities depending on your region Travel and cultural experience in Korea (currently suspended due to COVID-19) Our Coffechat community activities to demonstrate professionalism as a native speaker Birthday, holiday, gifts, etc 

Published Jun 29, 2022
About KICS
by KICS717
About KICS

Welcome to Korea International Christian School. Korea International Christian School was founded in 2004. Our school educates future Global Christian Leaders in both the Christian faith and high academic quality. We have campuses in Incheon and Seocho in Korea, as well as in the Philippines, and in Illinois, U.S. Over 1000 students are enrolled in our KICS schools from K5 to G12 and we also run an “online school.” KICS has three distictive charicteristics. First, all classes are taught in English using textbooks based on a Christian worldview. Secondly, we have gifted teachers teaching students with care and love. Students learn the value of life as well as academics together. Lastly, KICS not only has close relationships with Christian Universities such as Liberty University and Bob Jones University, but also with other top ranked universities such as UC Davis and SUNY-Stony Brook. Every year, over 60 graduates get accepted to top ranking universities with scholarships. Also, students may enroll in art and music school programs to expand their artistic talents. Professors support and educate the students to enable them to get enrolled in Art and music univerities in U.S. KICS online school is ground breaking online education program which has set a high standard in online Christian education in America. Furthermore, KICS online students can receive the same advantages KICS students. Our school is praying for and supporting many Christian schools across Asia and America. We believe that the talented spiritual Christian leaders raised in these Christian schools become global leaders.

Published Mar 25, 2022
Chungdahm Learning becomes Creverse
by TheWorknPlay
News and Current Hot Issue (2/2)
Chungdahm Learning becomes Creverse

Chungdahm Learning becomes Creverse.  Chungdahm Learning is a company that was established in 1998 and has already established more than 200 branches all over Korea. Chungdahm Learning focuses on English thinking skills and CMS Edu is a company that focuses on mathematics and coding skills. The two have merged this March to create Creverse.   With its name derived from combining the terms Creativity and Universe, Creverse plans to introduce convergence thinking skilled education aimed at fostering global talents by adding Edu-Tech technology.    In an interview with The JoongAng, the CEO Lee Chung-guk said that “the future belongs to our children. Cheongdam Learning and CMS Edu, which have pioneered the education market with 'thinking skills', take a leap forward on the path of nurturing future convergence talents with the launch of Creverse Co., Ltd. In a digital world without boundaries between countries, we need to have the ability to communicate smoothly in English and develop software and coding capabilities to actively cope with and solve changes brought about by future technologies.” 

Published Mar 23, 2022
No more quarantine: Entry into South Korea made easier
by TheWorknPlay
News and Current Hot Issue (1/2)
No more quarantine: Entry into South Korea made easier

Covid and Quarantine updates. As we adapt to the phase of living with covid, entry into South Korea has been made easier. Fully vaccinated entrees to Korea will be exempt from mandatory quarantine.    From March 21st, 2022, people vaccinated in Korea and have vaccination records registered in Korea via a public health center are exempted from the mandatory quarantine.  Registration records are available in the COOV online system.   From April 1st, 2022, people vaccinated abroad or in Korea with or without registered vaccinated records in Korea will be exempt from quarantine. Vaccination records will be linked to the new Q-CODE online system.   How to register Input vaccination records into the Q-CODE system prior to departure. A QR code will be issued through the Q-CODE website. Scan the QR code upon entry to South Korea. Only those vaccinated with a minimum of 3 shots with the vaccines approved by the World Health Organization qualify for the exemption.  PS: This includes the single Jansen shot administered 14 days before departure and within 180days. All entrees are still subjected to a PCR test taken within 48 hours of departure. A second PCR test upon arrival. And a final PCR test on the 7th day after arrival.  

Published Mar 23, 2022
Volunteer Blogger Recruitment
by TheWorknPlay
Blogger Recruitment (1/1)
Volunteer Blogger Recruitment

We are looking for volunteer bloggers.   Living and working in a new environment is not as easy as it sounds. For most, living abroad is more than just taking a step up the career ladder. This new and exciting experience may offer many possibilities but will also confront you with entirely new obstacles and issues. We can help each other with solving some of these issues by sharing information.  Why participate? By participating in content sharing through blogs, you can definitely improve your writing skills. If you ever plan to start blogging, you can get some cool tips from other bloggers or read through other blogs to get ideas on how to write or even what to write about. Also, don’t you just love that feeling you get after helping someone? I know I do. All information posted on our blogs will definitely be helpful to someone. Most people in need of information don’t know where to turn to or even how to ask for help. Let’s be their go-to person.   As an extra-curricular, this could turn out to be a very useful aspect of your CV. Apart from teaching experiences, some employers also check on your extra curriculum activities. Interacting with other ESL teachers and sharing useful information could look really good on your resume.   Through this;  We also hope to attract more ESL teachers to Korea through sharing the positive experiences and evaluations of ESL education in Korea.  We hope that the archived information can be useful to someone in the future or be a library where you can always visit to re-experience your Korean journey. See some of our blogs   How to participate? If you are interested in participating or for more information and inquiries, contact us at:

Published Mar 8, 2022