


Creverse Inc.

Posts (2)

Creverse CEO's message
by Creverse
Creverse CEO's message

      Creverse nurtures 21st-century talents by realizing the mission of ‘Talent Discovery, Life Discovery’.   For the past decade, Chungdahm Learning and CMS Edu have created their own stories in their respective fields, standing shoulder to shoulder. Now, these stories have come together to launch Creverse Inc.   The integration of the two companies aims to nurture 21st-century talents by realizing the mission of ‘Talent Discovery, Life Discovery’. The core methodological concepts presented are Literacy, Imagination, and Narrative Skills. Creverse Inc. will develop these three methodologies across the three areas of English, Mathematics, and Coding, further integrating these three areas.   The business strategy reveals four strategic levels. Seven brands are included in the traditional LC business, and three brands are in the VLC business level. VLC products reflect the LC curriculum but introduce virtuality, providing new experiences and benefits in terms of time, space, and cost.   The third level, consisting of modular convergence brand business, will deepen virtuality based on media/digital platforms while also challenging new concept hybrid learning. VLC products and modular convergence brands are also targeting overseas markets.   The Metaverse business proposes interactive/transmedia storytelling as a core concept. Within the interactive storytelling that utilizes knowledge, users enhance their capabilities and discover their characters. Furthermore, as users solve problems and produce and trade content, they will enter an era of personal narratives that transcend reality and virtuality.   Young Hwa Kim, CEO of Creverse        

Published Jun 5, 2024